Choose Merritt to set up your business in Hong Kong

Choose Merritt to set up your business in Hong Kong

Are you planning to open a company in Hong Kong? And you don’t know when or how to start your business?

Merritt Asia Limited can help you set up your business in Hong Kong by taking care of your company formation from A to Z!

We strongly advise you to surround yourself with experts to make your project successful.

The set up of a company in Hong Kong, the set up of a company in Singapore, the set up of a company in China or in any other country in the world must be done by experts to neglect any aspect of the procedure.

Our firm registered its first company in 1998 and continued its expansion with the opening of an office in the United Arab Emirates and in Orlando, USA.

This is why our team in Hong Kong (not to be confused with an offshore China, Hong Kong is a country in its own) is at your disposal to answer all your questions regarding the opening of your company in Hong Kong.

Why choose Merritt to set up your company in Hong Kong

The advantages of setting up a business in Hong Kong

Company secretary

  • We are your company secretary: we are established in Hong Kong since 1998 with an official Company Secretary mandate (in a few words, a Company Secretary is an agent authorized to represent your company registered in Hong Kong with the Hong Kong Authorities). We offer a complete package of services for companies and residents of Hong Kong:
    • Company set up in Hong Kong
    • Bank account opening in Hong Kong
    • Accounting and administrative follow-up of your company in Hong Kong

Our role as company secretary

  • As Company Secretary, we:
    • Advise and monitor companies registered in Hong Kong;
    • Represent companies in front of the Hong Kong authorities. The mandate of “Company Secretary” is mandatory in Hong Kong

Experts since 1998

  • We have a team of professionals on site in Hong Kong who will welcome you and guide you in your project. This team is constantly on the lookout for new laws and regulations that affect the economic life in Hong Kong.
    In order to be in conformity with the Hong Kong authorities, our team proceeds to the Know Your Customer (KYC) step: it is the first step of the relationship between you and our company.

A complete support for the set up of your company in Hong Kong

  • Complete mastery of the process of company set up in Hong Kong: thanks to our expertise, our knowledge of the market and local administrations and as a company secretary, we are leaders in our field. We also assist you in the process of opening a business bank account. Note that in Hong Kong, there is a large choice of fintechs for online bank account opening.
    We believe that having a company in Hong Kong requires a quality accompaniment to avoid any unnecessary risk. We want the entrepreneur to fully focus on his professional activity.

A multilingual team based in Hong Kong

  • The members of our office in Hong Kong speak different languages and therefore answer all your questions in the language of your choice. Our team speaks French, Chinese and English. You can count on a reliable and durable team.

Hong Kong at the door of China

  • A strategic location: located at the gateway to China, Hong Kong benefits from a strategic location to establish your company and to develop your activity. Hong Kong is an internationally known financial center. Moreover, the island is located in the center of one of the most populated areas in the world with a strong growth.
    According to the Davos Economic Forum, the Heritage Foundation (USA), and even Nobel Prize-winning economist Milton Friedman, Hong Kong has “the freest economy in the world,” thanks to a tacit alliance between a hands-off government and a population of hard-working, commercially-savvy former refugees. It also has an outstanding administration, a proven legal system (common law) and public services (health, housing, education) that have been steadily improving over the past two decades.

An advantageous territorial tax system in Hong Kong

  • Taxation in Hong Kong is very advantageous: if your company is domiciled in Hong Kong and you carry out an activity outside Hong Kong then there will be no corporate tax.

If you are not yet convinced by the creation of a company in Hong Kong, we invite you to read this article.

A complete package for USD 2,100!

A company formation package in Hong Kong for USD 2,100 per year ONLY!
This includes:

  • the set up of your company in Hong Kong;
  • domiciliation at a reputable address in Hong Kong;
  • assistance for professional bank account opening in Hong Kong;
  • all administrative, fiscal and social formalities;
  • only one invoice per year all included so no bad surprise.

Setting up a business abroad can be frightening if you are not accompanied by the right people. Make the right choice and choose our company to establish your business in Hong Kong.

We are a Registered Agent and our team welcomes you in our offices in Tsim Sha Tsui district (Office No. 1102, 11th floor – 29 Austin Road).
If you still have any doubts about setting up your business in Hong Kong, we invite you to contact our team at