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To enable the banker to understand the nature of your business and your experience and because of the anti-money laundering regulations, it is required to provide the following documents translated into English:

  • About you:
    1. For customers who already have a company:
      Copy of the official registration documents of the company: Certificate of Incorporation (KBIS in France, Belgian Monitor, etc.) and documents (statutes, registers) indicating the position of the client in the company (director / associate).
    2. For salaried customers of a company (who are neither director nor shareholder):
      Copy of the employment contract indicating the name of the employer, the name of the client, his position, the duration of the contract, the signature of both parties and provide website / brochure of the employer.
  • About your activity:
    1. You already have an existing activity:
      Sales agreement/ services delivery with the signatures / stamps of the 2 parties accompanied by 3 customer invoices or 3 supplier invoices accompanied by bank statements justifying their payments.
      For import-export companies: transport documents with official stamps.
      As the above documents are intended to help the banker better understand the client’s need to have a Hong Kong bank account, it is advised that these documents indicate that the client already has business in Asia. Therefore, it is advisable to bring evidence of relationships with customers or suppliers located in Asia (China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan): business cards, brochure, quote, website, etc.
    2. For a new activity:
      Copy of a sales contract with customers or suppliers located in Asia.
      The copy of a proforma invoice is sufficient if the client is in the early stages of negotiation with its Asian customers / suppliers.
      Business cards, brochure, website of Asian customers / suppliers to help the banker better understand the nature of the business.
  • Please note:
    • All documents must be less than one year old.
    • If the documents are not in English or Chinese, they must be translated by a certified translator (stamp and translator’s signature on the documents).
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